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Bhai Phota, also known as Bhai Dooj, is a festival that celebrates the bond of love and care between brothers and sisters, mainly observed in the Indian states of West Bengal and Assam. During this celebration, sisters pray for their brothers' prosperity and long lives by applying a spot of 'phota' paste on their foreheads. In return, brothers give gifts as a symbol of their affection and pledge to protect their sisters.
Bhai Phota reminds us of the valuable and enduring bond shared among siblings. With the celebration of this festival,you can make it extra special by gifting your sibling a personalised selfie video message from their favourite celebrity! Keep reading till the end to find out how.
Sharing Bhai Phota wishes is a wonderful way to show our love and gratitude towards our siblings. It's an opportunity to recall treasured childhood moments and look ahead to a future full of love and companionship.
Bhai Phota, also known as Bhai Dooj in some parts of North India and Nepal, is a special event that celebrates and strengthens the strong link that exists between brothers and sisters. It provides an opportunity for family members to express their love and gratitude. On this day, sisters perform a 'puja' ceremony in which they pray for the well-being, happiness, and longevity of their brothers. In response, brothers pamper their sisters with presents, expressing their love and commitment to protecting them.
Bhai Phota, which is celebrated two days after Diwali, is more than just a ceremony; it also symbolises the reaffirmation of the strong bonds that exist between siblings.
Bhai Phota, or Bhai Dooj, encompasses several unique rituals. Sisters prepare a ceremonial "thali" containing items like "phota" (sandalwood paste and ghee mixture), rice, grass, and sweets. They apply the phota on their brother's forehead while chanting a mantra, followed by performing an aarti to pray for the brother's well-being. Brothers then reciprocate by giving gifts to their sisters. Lastly, the family gathers to enjoy a special meal together. These rituals signify a brother's promise to protect his sister and a sister's prayer for her brother's longevity and health.
Bhai Phota was celebrated on October 26 in 2022 and it will be celebrated on 15 November in 2023.
Make Your Festive Moments Memorable with a Personalised Video Message from your favourite Celebrity!
Happy Bhai Phota! May this day bring joy and love to the beautiful bond we share.
On this Bhai Phota, I pray for your happiness, success, and good health. Stay blessed, dear brother/sister.
Cherishing the memories we've shared and looking forward to many more on this Bhai Phota. Here's to our unbreakable bond.
Wishing you a heartwarming Bhai Phota filled with happiness, prosperity, and love.
Celebrating our special bond today, Happy Bhai Phota to my dearest brother/sister. May our bond grow stronger with each passing day.
Dear brother/sister, may this auspicious occasion of Bhai Phota bring an abundance of joy and success into your life.
This Bhai Phota, I wish you nothing but love, health, and happiness. May our bond remain eternally strong.
May the essence of our love and care for each other grow stronger with each Bhai Phota we celebrate.
Let's cherish the wonderful bond that we share, today and always. Happy Bhai Phota, dear sibling.
On the occasion of Bhai Phota, I send you my warmest greetings and love. May we always be there for each other.
Wishing you happiness and success on this Bhai Phota, dearest brother/sister. Here's to many more years of our incredible bond.
As we celebrate Bhai Phota, may all your dreams come true, and our bond remain unbreakable.
Dear brother/sister, our hearts are forever connected. Wishing you a joyful and blessed Bhai Phota.
May the divine occasion of Bhai Phota bring harmony, love, and happiness in your life.
On this special day of Bhai Phota, I'm grateful for the bond we share and pray that it becomes stronger, day by day.
1. भाइ, तुम्हारे साथ होने पर हमें गर्व है। भाइयों का प्यार कभी नहीं बदलता! (Brother, we are proud to have you. A brother's love never changes!)
2. भाइ, आपके साथ बिताए हुए समय की यादें हमें हमेशा हँसी देती हैं। (Brother, memories of the time spent with you always bring us joy.)
3. इस भाई फोटा पर, मैं आपके सुख-शांति और समृद्धि की कामना करता हूँ। (On this Bhai Phota, I wish you happiness, peace, and prosperity.)
4. आपका साथ हमारे लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। आपकी खुशी हमारी खुशी है। (Your presence is very important to us. Your happiness is our happiness.)
5. आपके साथ बिताए गए समय ने हमें अच्छे इंसान बनाया है। (The time spent with you has made us better individuals.)
6. आपका साथ हमें हमेशा सुरक्षित और सुखी महसूस कराता है। (Being with you always makes us feel safe and happy.)
7. भाइयों के बिना, जीवन अधूरा होता। (Life is incomplete without brothers.)
8. इस विशेष दिन पर, मैं आपके बिना कैसे गुजरता, यह आपको कभी पता न चले। (On this special day, I hope you never have to experience life without you.)
9. आपके बिना, मेरा जीवन अधूरा होता। (Without you, my life would be incomplete.)
10. भाई, आप हमारे लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं, और हमें गर्व है कि आप हमारे भाई हैं। (Brother, you are important to us, and we are proud to have you as our brother.)
11. इस खास मौके पर, मैं आपके स्वास्थ्य और सफलता की कामना करता हूँ। (On this special occasion, I wish you good health and success.)
12. आपके साथ बिताए गए समय ने हमें दोस्ती की महत्वपूर्ण शिक्षाएँ दी हैं। (The time spent with you has taught us valuable lessons about friendship.)
13. आपका साथ हमें हमेशा आत्म-संवाद करने का मौका देता है। (Being with you always gives us a chance for self-reflection.)
14. भाई, आपका साथ हमें सच्चे प्यार का अहसास कराता है। (Brother, being with you makes us feel the true meaning of love.)
15. भाई, इस खास मौके पर, मैं आपके साथ अच्छे समय की कामना करता हूँ। (Brother, on this special occasion, I wish for good times with you.)
1. ভাই, তোমার সঙ্গে থাকার জন্য আমরা গর্বিত। ভাইদের ভালোবাসা কখনও পরিবর্তন পায় না! (Brother, we are proud to have you. A brother's love never changes!)
2. ভাই, তোমার সঙ্গে সময় কাটানোর স্মৃতি আমাদের সবসময় হাসি দেয়। (Brother, memories of the time spent with you always bring us joy.)
3. এই ভাই ফোটা দিনে, আমি তোমার সুখ, শান্তি এবং সাফল্য কামনা করছি। (On this Bhai Phota, I wish you happiness, peace, and prosperity.)
4. তোমার উপস্থিতি আমাদের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। তোমার সুখ আমাদের সুখ। (Your presence is very important to us. Your happiness is our happiness.)
5. তোমার সঙ্গে সময় কাটানো আমাদের একজন ভাল মানুষ তৈরি করেছে। (The time spent with you has made us better individuals.)
6. তোমার সঙ্গে থাকা সর্বদা আমরা নিরাপদ এবং খুশি বেশী করে। (Being with you always makes us feel safe and happy.)
7. ভাইদের বিনা, জীবন অসম্পূর্ণ। (Life is incomplete without brothers.)
8. এই বিশেষ দিনে, আমি কামনা করি তুমি আপনার জীবনে কখনও তোমার সঙ্গে না অবস্থা অভবে। (On this special day, I hope you never have to experience life without you.)
9. তোমার বিনা, আমার জীবন অসম্পূর্ণ হতো। (Without you, my life would be incomplete.)
10. ভাই, তুমি আমাদের জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ এবং আমরা গর্বিত যে তুমি আমাদের ভাই হয়েছ। (Brother, you are important to us, and we are proud to have you as our brother.)
11. এই বিশেষ অবসরে, আমি তোমার সুস্থ্য এবং সাফল্য কামনা করছি। (On this special occasion, I wish you good health and success.)
12. তোমার সঙ্গে সময় কাটানো আমাদের সম্পর্কে বোঝাতে সাহায্য করেছে আমাদের জন্য মূল্যবান শিক্ষা দেওয়া। (The time spent with you has taught us valuable lessons about our relationship.)
13. তোমার সঙ্গে থাকা সর্বদা আমাদের আত্ম-চিন্তা করার সুযোগ দেয়। (Being with you always gives us a chance for self-reflection.)
14. ভাই, তোমার সঙ্গে থাকার সময় আমরা প্রেমের সঠিক অর্থ বোঝাতে সাহায্য করে। (Brother, being with you makes us understand the true meaning of love.)
15. ভাই, এই বিশেষ অবসরে, আমি তোমার সঙ্গে ভাল সময়ের কামনা করি। (Brother, on this special occasion, I wish for good times with you.)
Happy Bhai Phota, dear brother! May your life be filled with joy, success, and good health.
On this special day of Bhai Phota, my heartiest wishes for happiness and prosperity are with you, brother.
Brother, you're my strength and constant support. This Bhai Phota, I wish you all the happiness in the world.
With all my love and heartfelt prayers, I wish you a blessed and joyful Bhai Phota, dear brother.
Dear brother, may the divine blessings of Bhai Phota shower you with success, health and happiness.
You've always protected me and lent me your shoulder to lean on. This Bhai Phota, here's wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love, dear brother.
The bond we share is unique and special. Wishing you a wonderful Bhai Phota filled with love, joy, and endless blessings, dear brother.
May this auspicious occasion of Bhai Phota bring you great success, good health, and unending happiness, dear brother.
Wishing you a blessed Bhai Phota, dear brother. May all your dreams come true and your life be filled with happiness.
On this Bhai Phota, I'm grateful for your love and guidance. May success and joy always be yours, dear brother.
Happy Bhai Phota, dear sister! May your days be filled with joy, love, and countless blessings.
On this gracious occasion of Bhai Phota, I pray for your health, success, and happiness, sister.
Sister, you are a source of joy and inspiration. This Bhai Phota, I wish you all the best life can offer.
With heartfelt love and blessings, I wish you a joyful and blessed Bhai Phota, dear sister.
Dear sister, may the divine celebrations of Bhai Phota shower you with boundless joy, strength, and prosperity.
You've always been my confidante and guide. Here's wishing you a life full of love, happiness, and peace this Bhai Phota, dear sister.
Our bond is filled with love, laughter, and support. Wishing you an amazing Bhai Phota filled with joy, success and everlasting blessings, dear sister.
May this auspicious day of Bhai Phota brighten your path towards success, good health, and unending happiness, dear sister.
With wishes for your well-being and success, I hope this Bhai Phota brings you immense joy and prosperity, dear sister.
On this Bhai Phota, I'm thankful for your love and care. May your life be filled with success, happiness, and love, dear sister.
"The sweet and sour bond of siblings is the magic that transforms every family into a wonderland. Happy Bhai Phota!"
"Bhai Phota marks the bond of love everlasting, the pledge of care unyielding, and the promise of protection undying."
"The bond between a brother and a sister, fortified by the celebration of Bhai Phota, is an unbreakable pact forged by love and care."
"This Bhai Phota, let's celebrate the beautiful journey of growing up together and the precious bond of understanding, love, and trust."
"May the sacred thread of Bhai Phota strengthen the bond between siblings, bound not just by blood but a choice of love and affection."
"The essence of Bhai Phota lies in embracing the shared laughter and tears, and acknowledging the priceless gifts of love, friendship, and support amongst siblings."
"Bhai Phota is not just about a ritual, it’s about cherishing the bond that evolves over countless shared moments, and reverberates with laughter, secret whispers, and caring."
"Our laughs? Limitless. Our memories? Countless. Our bond? Endless. Happy Bhai Phota!"
"Bhai Phota transcends the traditional ritual and exemplifies the eternal bond that a brother and sister share with each other."
"In the colours of Bhai Phota lies the strokes of our shared past, vibrant present, and promising future as siblings."
"Bhai Phota is a reminder of the bond that outlasts quarrels, outgrows childhood, and never fades away."
"Despite the fights, the differences, and the distances, on this Bhai Phota, let's celebrate the enduring love that ties us together as siblings."
Festivals are occasions that bring families together, creating memorable moments filled with joy, laughter, and festivity. To add a unique touch to your celebrations, consider a personalized video message from your beloved celebrity. At Tring, we offer a vast selection of over 12,000 celebrities for you to choose from, making your festival even more thrilling!
But Tring doesn't stop with personalized video messages. You can also get an Instagram Direct Message from your favourite star, engage in a video call, or even receive a recorded song from your selected celebrity.
Enrich your festive moments with Tring!
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