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An Enchanting Islamic Wedding Card Collection

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Islamic wedding card invitation collections show a lovely mixture of tradition, faith, and beauty. These invitations do more than just share the wedding time and location; they highlight the importance and sacred nature of marriage and the part that faith plays in these holy vows. The design of these invitations combines religious sayings and cultural designs in a way that's eye-catching and touching, invoking a sense of awe for the religious event they represent.

The practice of using specific religious verses and symbols in Islamic wedding card invitations is deeply rooted in cultural and religious traditions. These invitations are blessed phrases, casting a divine glow over the proceedings that the card denotes. An Islamic wedding card carries a spiritual essence, often incorporating verses from the Holy Quran which speak of love, unity, and the blessed journey of marriage. The tastefully curated collections offer diversity that caters to different aesthetic preferences while maintaining a unifying thread of faith and tradition.

You can check out our collection of Islamic wedding card messages ideas that you can use. Our list contains of invitations in hindi, urdu, shayari in urdu and hindi that can be written on a card.


Table Of Contents

Islamic Wedding Card Invitation In English 

Celebrate the beauty of love and the sanctity of marriage with inspiring and elegant Islamic wedding card invitations. These thoughtfully crafted invitations, incorporating English text, are designed to resonate with the essence of your special day. Here are 15 Islamic wedding card invitations that will leave a lasting impression on your esteemed guests:Islamic Wedding Card Invitation In English

  1. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. We joyfully invite you to share in the happiness of our wedding celebration as we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], unite in marriage.

  2. Together with our parents, we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], invite you with love and joy to witness our nikah ceremony, as we embark on a blessed journey together.

  3. With the blessings of Allah, and the loving support of our families, we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], cordially request your presence at our wedding celebration.

  4. On this cherished day, as we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], seek the grace of Allah and the blessings of our dear ones, we are honored to request your presence at our nikah ceremony.

  5. And We created you in pairs. (Qur'an 78:8) We, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], humbly invite your presence to partake in our joyous wedding ceremony.

  6. He who marries completes half of his religion. (Hadith) Join us, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], as we embrace this completion and joyfully enter into marriage.

  7. With the blessings of our beloved parents and the grace of Allah, we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], request the honor of your presence as we begin our life together.

  8. In the company of our loved ones, and with the boundless love of Allah, we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], smilefully invite you to celebrate our sacred union.

  9. In the name of Allah, the Most Loving and Most Merciful, we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], are elated to invite you to share in our joy as we unite as one in marriage.

  10. As the petals of a fragrant rose unfold to the embrace of a new day, we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], begin our journey as man and wife and invite you to our wedding celebration.

  11. Allah brought our hearts together with love and devotion. We, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], would be honored to share our celebration of unity with you.

  12. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name] request the pleasure of your company at their wedding celebration.

  13. Love and faith in Allah bring us together; we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], joyfully invite you to join us as we celebrate our sacred journey into marriage.

  14. Through the divine presence of Allah, we, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], are united in His blessings, and extend to you our heartfelt invitation to share our joyous occasion.

  15. With our hearts full of love and gratitude, and the blessings of Allah showered upon us, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name] are elated to invite you to share our special day as we embark on a lifetime journey together.

Islamic Wedding Card Dua In Arabic 

 Islamic wedding cards often include a dua, blessing, or prayer for the couple's new journey in life. The inclusion of a religious sentiment is not only a thoughtful touch that communicates wellbeing and positivity, but it's also a lovely way to honor and incorporate cultural and religious traditions into the wedding.Here are 15 beautiful Islamic wedding card duas in Arabic:Islamic Wedding Card Dua In Arabic

  1. اللهم بارك لهما وبارك عليهما واجمع بينهما في خير (Oh Allah, bless them, bless them together, and put love and understanding between them)

  2. بارك الله لك وبارك عليك وجمع بينكما في خير (May Allah bless you and upon you, and join you both in goodness)

  3. ربنا هب لنا من أزواجنا وذرياتنا قرة أعين واجعلنا للمتقين إماماً (Our Lord! Grant us the joy of seeing our spouses and offspring and make us leaders of the God-conscious)

  4. اللهم اجمع بينهما كما جمعت بين آدم وحواء (Oh Allah, unite them in marriage as you united Adam and Hawwa)

  5. رب أوزعني أن أشكر نعمتك التي أنعمت علي (My Lord, enable me to be grateful for your favors)

  6. اللهم اجعل حبهما حبك وحب من يحبك (Oh Allah, make their love for each other also love for You and those who love You)

  7. ربنا واجعلنا مسلمين لك ومن ذريتنا أمة مسلمة لك (Our Lord, and make us Muslims unto You and of our offspring a community Muslim unto You)

  8. اللهم وفقهم و اكتب لهم السعادة في الدنيا والآخرة (Oh Allah, grant them success and write for them happiness in this world and the hereafter)

  9. اللهم اني ارغب في خيرها وخير ما جبلتها عليه (Oh Allah, I seek the good in her and the goodness you've created her upon)

  10. اللهم اصلح لهم دينهم الذي هو عصمة أمرهم (Oh Allah, reform their religion which is their protection)

  11. اللهم وفر لهما رزقهما وبارك لهما وارزقهما بالذرية الصالحة (Oh Allah, provide for them their livelihood, bless them and provide for them from Your righteous offspring)

  12. جعل بينكم موده و رحمة (God has made between you affection and mercy)

  13. ربنا آتنا من لدنك رحمة وهيئ لنا من أمرنا رشدا (Our Lord, give us mercy from Your presence and prepare for us in our affairs right guidance)

  14. اللهم بارك لهم و عليهم واحفظهم بما تحفظ به عبادك الصالحين (Oh Allah, bless them, and keep them safe as You keep Your righteous servants safe)

  15. اللهم آتهم الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة (Oh Allah, grant them the highest paradise)

Islamic Wedding Card Dua In Hindi 

In Indian Islamic wedding cards, a 'dua' or blessing holds immense significance. It's traditionally included to offer words of praise, well wishes, and prayers for the future prosperity of the soon-to-be-married couple. The following are 15 beautiful Islamic wedding card dua in Hindi:Islamic Wedding Card Dua In Hindi

  1. آپके के नए जीवन को खुदा की रहमत से भर दे। (May Allah fill your new life with blessings)

  2. अल्लाह तालाअपके इस पवित्र बंधन को सलामत रखे। (May Allah keep this sacred bond safe)

  3. आपके जोड़ी को अल्लाह हमेशा सलामत रखे। (May Allah always keep your pair safe)

  4. खुदा, आपको हर खुशी और कामयाबी दे! (May God bless you with every joy and success!)

  5. अल्लाह पाक आपको हमेशा हर मुसीबत से दूर रखे। (May Allah always keep you safe from every calamity)

  6. सबसे प्यारे खुदा से दुआ है की, वह आपकी जोड़ी को हर खुशी से नवाजे। (My prayer to the dearest Allah is that He blesses your pair with every happiness)

  7. मेरी दुआ है कि अल्लाह, आपके इस नए सफर को खुशियों से भर दे। (I pray that Allah fills your new journey with happiness)

  8. अल्लाह से दुआ है के आपके हर रिश्ते में मैग्य झलके। (We pray that all your relationships gleam with magic)

  9. खुदा, आपके इस नए सफर को हर मुसीबत से दूर रखे। (May Allah keep this new journey safe from every calamity)

  10. अल्लाह ताला आपको हर खुशी और आबादी दे। (May Allah bless you with all the happiness and prosperity)

  11. अपने इस नए सफर में अल्लाह का हमेशा हो आपके साथ। (May Allah always be with you on this new journey)

  12. आपको निरंतर खुदा का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त हो। (May you always have God's blessings)

  13. अल्लाह का आशीर्वाद आपको हर कठिनाई से लड़ने की शक्ति दे। (May Allah's blessings give you the strength to face every difficulty)

  14. रब्ब का आप पर अपार आशीर्वाद बना रहे। (May the Lord'a blessing stay on you unconditionally)

  15. आपके साथ हमेशा खुदा की रहमत हो। (May Allah's mercy always be with you)

May these 'Duas' or prayers prove to be a symbol of abundant happiness, prosperity, and blessings showered onto the couple from above, creating a life filled with peace and love.

Islamic Wedding Card Shayari In Urdu 

Wedding cards are one of the first impressions that set the tone for every wedding event. In Islamic culture, a beautiful shayari in Urdu is often included in the invitation card to give it a touch of traditional elegance and poetic charm. These verses usually encompass blessings, prayers, or emotional expressions related to marriage. Here are 15 such Islamic wedding card shayaris in Urdu:Islamic Wedding Card Shayari In Urdu

  1. پیار کے رنگین کنوارے کی کحلی میں بھر دے خدا (Oh God, fill the colorful bow of love with kohl)

  2. دلوں کی محبت کو عقد رکھنے کی رسم (The ritual of keeping the love of hearts as an agreement)

  3. نکاح کا سنہری صفحہ, بهترین گلدستہ (The golden page of Nikkah, the best bouquet)

  4. خوشیوں کے اس پیون کا ہم کرتے ہیں استقبال (We welcome this fountain of happiness)

  5. ہمارے دلوں کی خوشبو آپ تک پہنچے (The fragrance of our hearts reaches you)

  6. جوڑی کا دامن خوشیوں سے بھر دے خدا (May God fill the couple's lap with happiness)

  7. بہترین احساس کی شروعات میں آپکا تسلیم پاس (Your acceptance in the beginning of the best feelings)

  8. شادی کی ایک نئی دستان شروع ہوتی ہے (A new story of marriage begins)

  9. ہماری دعائوں کی قبولیت کے لئے ڈعا کرتے ہیں (We pray for the acceptance of our prayers)

  10. خدا سے دعا کی روشنی میں اکٹھے ہونے کا وقت (The time to be together in the light of prayer to God)

  11. ساتھ دینے کے نیت سے, عشق میں سمندر ڈوبنے کا وقت (With the intention of giving company, it's time to drown in the ocean of love)

  12. پریت کے گیتوں کی روشنی ہمارے ساتھ (The light of love songs with us)

  13. ہمیں آپکی شفقت کی ضرورت ہے, اس شادی کی خوشی کے لئے (We need your affection for the joy of this marriage)

  14. گہرے عشق میں مزید پھول برساؤ (Shower more flowers in deep love)

  15. ذندگی کی ایک نئی راہ پر قدم رکھنے کے لیے دعا کرتے ہیں (We pray to step on a new path of life)

Islamic Wedding Card Shayari In Hindi 

An Islamic wedding is a grand affair that combines deep spiritual rituals and joyous celebration. In Hindi Islamic wedding cards, shayari serves to express the heartfelt joy, blessings, and grandeur of the occasion. Here are 15 such shayari for your consideration:Islamic Wedding Card Shayari In Hindi

  1. मोहब्बत के रंगीन कुंवारों मे आंखों की काजल भर दे खुदा (May God fill kohl in the eyes of colorful lovebirds)

  2. दिलों की मोहब्बत को बंधन बनाने की रस्म (Custom to make love of hearts a commitment)

  3. निकाह का सुनहरा पन्ना, सबसे बढ़िया गुलदस्ता (The golden leaf of Nikah, the very best bouquet)

  4. खुशियों के इस झरने का हम करते हैं स्वागत (We welcome this fountain of happiness)

  5. हमारे दिलों की खुशबू आप तक पहुंचे (May the fragrance of our hearts reach you)

  6. जोडी का पलंग खुशियों से भर दे खुदा (May God fill the couple's lap with happiness)

  7. श्रेष्ठ प्रतिभाओं की शुरुआत में तुम्हारी स्वीकृति (Your acceptance in starting great talents)

  8. शादी की एक नई कहानी का आरंभ होता है (A new story of marriage begins)

  9. हमारी प्रार्थनाओं की स्वीकार्यता के लिए हम प्रार्थना करते हैं (We pray for the acceptance of our prayers)

  10. इश्वर से प्रार्थना की ज्योति में मिलने का समय (The time to meet in the light of prayer to God)

  11. देने की नीयत से साथ दें, प्यार में समुंदर डूबने का समय (Time to drown in the ocean of love with the intention to give)

  12. प्रेम गीतों की प्रकाश यात्रा हमारे साथ (The enlightenment journey of love songs with us)

  13. हमें तुम्हारी ममता की आवश्यकता है, यह शादी की खुशी के लिए (We need your nurture, for the joy of this marriage)

  14. गहरे प्यार में और बहाएं फूल (Shower more flowers in deep love)

  15. आवश्यकता के एक नई राह पर कदम रखने के लिए प्रार्थना (Prayer to step on a new path of need)

Islamic Wedding Card Quotes 

Islamic wedding cards generally convey the serene essence of love and marriage via quotes-- verses taken from the Quran, Hadith or some Islamic prayers. These citations imbue the invite with a spiritual and significant atmosphere, uniting worldly celebration with divine blessings. Here are 15 inspiring Islamic wedding card quotes:Islamic Wedding Card Quotes

  1. And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. - Qur'an, 30:21

  2. They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them. - Qur'an, 2:187

  3. And We created you in pairs. - Qur'an, 78:8

  4. And He has put between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. - Qur'an, 30:21

  5. O Humans revere your Guardian Lord, Who created you from a single Person created, of like nature, His mate, and from this pair scattered (like seeds) countless men and women. Reverence Allah through Whom you claim your mutual rights. - Quran, 4:1

  6. What Allah has bonded together let not man put asunder. - Quran, 4:21

  7. Marry someone who will make you fall in love with Allah every single day.

  8. The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his wife. - Hadith

  9. The best of you are those who are best to their wives. - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

  10. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

  11. Of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. - Qur'an 30:21

  12. Invite all to the way of your Lord with wisdom and kind preaching. - Qur'an 16:125

  13. In marriage, you're promising to care about everything - the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things...all of it, all the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed, because I will be your witness'. - The Painted Drum

  14. Four things support the world: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valor of the brave. - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

  15. Allah blesses the man who pays his small debts and keeps his promises. - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Islamic Digital Wedding Invitation Card Messages 

 Invitations are a call to join in a celebration or event, providing essential details in a captivating manner. You can make your invite interesting and special by surprising your guests or closed ones with a digital wedding invitation from their famous celebrities on Tring. You can use the below-mentioned card messages. Your loved one will be so happy and excited when they get an invite from a famous person.Islamic Digital Wedding Invitation Card Messages

  1. We request the honour of your presence as we embark on our journey of eternal love and faith.

  2. In the name of Allah, we unite our souls in the holy matrimony. We would be blessed by your presence.

  3. Join our celebration of unity, love and blessings as we tie the nuptial knot under the divine witness of Allah.

  4. Your presence will add joy to our special day as we step into a new chapter of our lives guided by the light of our faith.

  5. Let's share love and blessings on our Nikah ceremony. Honour us with your esteemed presence on this auspicious day.

  6. With the blessings of Allah, we happily unite in matrimony. We invite you to join us in our joy and celebration.

  7. Under the divine love of Allah, we happily announce our wedding. We look forward to celebrating with you.

  8. Please join us in our happiness as we take our sacred vows in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

  9. Praise be to Allah who brought our hearts together. We solicit your presence on our special day.

  10. With gratitude to Allah for guiding our journey, we cordially invite you to celebrate our union in holy Nikah.

  11. As we commit ourselves to each other under the blessed witness of Allah, we invite you to share our eternal joy.

  12. Join us in the celebration of love, commitment, and faith as we walk together in the path of divine light.

  13. With hearts full of love and gratitude to Allah, we invite your presence in our Nikah ceremony for your blessings.

  14. We extend our joy to you as we unite under the mighty name of Allah. Please join us in our ceremonial bliss.

  15. In the spirit of love and faith, we solicit your presence at our Nikah ceremony. May Allah's blessings be with us all.

Islamic Wedding Invitation Video Messages

Invitations can be enjoyable and helpful, especially if they are designed in a creative way. Make your invitation extra special by surprising your guests with a personalised celebrity video invite message on Tring. These invites from their famous celebrities will get them more excited and happy. With the help of the below-mentioned messages, you can use them for your video invitations.Islamic Wedding Invitation Video Messages

  1. Join us as we celebrate our blessed union under the divine guidance of Allah. Your presence will add joy to our special day.

  2. With love in our hearts and the guidance of Allah, we embark on our new journey. We would be honored if you could witness our sacred union.

  3. In the name of Allah, we unite in love and faith. We invite you to grace our Nikah ceremony with your presence, as we begin our life together.

  4. As we come together in the holy bond of marriage, please witness our joyful moment and extend your blessings at our Nikah ceremony.

  5. Allah has guided us to find each other, and together we take our vows. We humbly invite you to share in our celebration and happiness.

  6. On our sacred day of Nikah, we request your presence and prayers for a lifelong bond under Allah's blessings and guidance.

  7. In Allah's grace, we are united as one. Join our celebration of love and commitment and be a part of our cherished memories.

  8. We joyfully announce our upcoming Nikah ceremony to embark on a journey of love, faith, and togetherness. We look forward to sharing this special moment with you.

  9. On the auspicious day when we unite in matrimony, please join us in celebrating our love and seeking Allah's blessings in our new life together.

  10. With grateful hearts and with Allah's mercy, we extend our joy and invite you to witness our Nikah. Share our moment of happiness and blessings.

  11. Come celebrate a day of love and devotion as we take our vows under Allah's watchful gaze. May our union shine with your presence.

  12. As we embark on our journey with the blessings of the Almighty, please share our joy with your presence at our Nikah.

  13. Thankful for Allah's precious gift of love and companionship, we humbly invite you to our Nikah ceremony as we take our vows.

  14. Under the divine eyes of Allah, we proclaim our love and commitment to one another. Celebrate with us as we embark on this blessed journey.

  15. On our special day, we seek Allah's blessings and the joy of your company. Please join us in the celebration of our love-filled union.

Islamic Wedding Video Invitation Messages For Whatsapp

Invitations can indeed serve as a joyous and engaging medium to communicate event details.These personalized messages set the tone for the event and warmly invite friends and family to partake in the memorable union of two loving souls. You can make this invitation extra special and memorable by having a famous celebrity record a video message for your guests on Tring. You can use the messages mentioned below to make your video invitations memorable. These videos can be shared on whatsapp with your family members and friends. Islamic Wedding Video Invitation Messages For Whatsapp

  1. Assalamualaikum! We are overjoyed to announce our Nikah. You are cordially invited to bless our union, and celebrate with us on this auspicious day.

  2. In Allah's grace, we unite. Join us on this joyous occasion of our Nikah ceremony. Looking forward to your blessings.

  3. Your presence will add joy to our special day of Nikah. Together let's seek the eternal blessings of Allah. Save the date!

  4. Let's rejoice in the holy matrimony presented to us by Allah. We're thrilled to invite you to our wedding. Don't miss our happy moments!

  5. We're ecstatic to be taking the next step of our lives with Allah's blessings. We humbly invite you to share in the celebration of our love.

  6. Join us as we embark on a lifelong journey together under the blessings of Allah. kindly grace our occasion with your esteemed presence.

  7. By the grace of Allah, we are celebrating our beautiful journey of love. We would be honored to have you join us in our joyous celebration.

  8. In the presence of divine love, we're uniting our lives. We would be delighted to have you join us in our Nikah ceremony.

  9. With heartfelt praises to Allah, we gather to take sacred vows. Your presence would add blessing and happiness to our Nikah celebration.

  10. As we take our holy matrimonial vows, we request your thoughtful presence and prayers to seek Allah's blessing for our wedding.

  11. Bound in love and faith, under Allah's grace, we request your presence at our Nikah ceremony. Mark the date and share in our joy.

  12. We joyfully pledge our lives to each other under Allah’s divine love. Please grace this delightful occasion with your esteemed presence.

  13. We are overjoyed to invite you to our Nikah ceremony. Join us as we embark on life's blessed journey under Allah’s guidance.

  14. In the realm of Allah's love, we commence our journey to eternity. We invite you to this celebration of togetherness and bliss.

  15. Your presence and blessings mean a world to us as we take Allah's divine grace to unite on this auspicious day. Please join us.

Also don’t forget to check out other articles for similar invitations

Wedding Invitation Card Messages 

Wedding Invitation Wedding Message From Parents 

Wedding Invitation Message 

Wedding Invitation For Friends

Wedding Invitation For Whatsapp

Wedding Reception Invitation Messages

How to Book a Personalised Celebrity Wedding Invitation on Tring?

Drop all the boring invitation ideas and invite your guest with the most amazing and unique form of Invitation. To make your guest remember you for an amazing wedding with an over-the-top invitation, book an invitation from Tring India.

What’s better than your loved ones getting a celebrity shoutout as a wish from celebrities mentioned below.   

What’s better than your loved ones getting a celebrity shoutout as a wish from celebrities like Ankit Tiwari, Salim Merchant, Daisy Shah, Shaan, Shakti Kapoor, Shraddha Arya, Shakti Arora, etc who will make the first and foremost part of the wedding i.e inviting your guest more memorable by their essence. You can also choose from a list of 12000+ celebrities and get a personalised invite.  

Your Personalised Celebrity Shoutout Video/Message delivered on your mail/Whatsapp which takes care of the happiness of your guests as well as your pocket! 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do you write on an Islamic wedding card invitation?
Is it necessary to mention the name of the Mosque in the Islamic wedding card invitation?
Should both Nikah and Walima invitations be sent together?
Can I use Islamic quotes and Shayari in my wedding invitations?
What is the significance of the Bismillah in Islamic wedding card invitations?
What should I do if I want a gender-segregated wedding?
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