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Surya Putra Karn



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Did you know? You can now book a personalised video message from your favourite characters of your loved TV show Suryaputra Karn! Keep reading to know more about Suryaputra Karn cast, Suryaputra Karn OTT, watch Suryaputra Karn online, Suryaputra Karn Instagram, Suryaputra Karn updates and more. 

Suryaputra Karn is an Indian mythological show in Hindi language about Karna’s life journey in Mahabharata. The show plot revolves around Karna, the doyen of archers and the son of Surya and Kunti, travels a difficult path to become one of the greatest warriors of the Mahabharata.

The plot centres on Karna, the greatest archer in the Mahabharata, and tells the entire epic's tale, from their origin as Pandavas through Karna's eventual coronation in the Swarga. The show follows Karna's life journey as he strives to become a renowned warrior.

Suryaputra Karn was first aired in the year 2015 on the 29th of June. Suryaputra Karn is also available on OTT platforms like Sony Liv and MX player. The TV show is as long as 307 episodes.

The show has multiple directors including Kamal Monga, Gautam Nagrath, Sumit Thakur, Swapnil Mahaling, Sunil Dharmadhikari, Gurpreet Rana, and Kiran Gorde. The producers are Siddharth Kumar Tewary, Gayatri Gill Tewary, and Rahul Kumar Tewary. 

The main cast of Suryputra Karn include Gautam Rode, Saurabh Pandey, Priya Bhatija, Pankhuri Aswathy, Jaswinder Gardner, Kunwar Vikram Soni, Yash Karia, and Buneet Kapoor

Director Kamal Monga, Gautam Nagrath, Sumit Thakur, etc.
Music By Lalin Nandi
No. of Seasons 1
Production Company Swastik Pictures
Start Date 29 Jun 2015
Content Location Mumbai, India
Country of Origin India
Genre Mythological drama
In Language Hindi
Producer Siddharth Kumar Tewary, Gayatri Gill Tewary, and Rahul Kumar Tewary
Name Suryaputra Karn

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Frequently Asked Questions

Suryaputra Karn is a very popular hindi mythological TV show.
Suryaputra Karn Shoot location is Mumbai, India
The release date of the TV show Suryaputra Karn is 29th June 2015.
Suryaputra Karn casts include Gautam Rode, Saurabh Pandey, Priya Bhatija, Pankhuri Aswathy, Jaswinder Gardner, Kunwar Vikram Soni, Yash Karia, and Buneet Kapoor.
Yes. You can watch Suryaputra Karn online on Sony Liv and MX player.
The character name of Gautam Rode in Suryaputra Karn is Karna.
The character name of Saurabh Pandey in Suryaputra Karn is Lord Krishna.
The character name of Priya Bhatija in Suryaputra Karn is Kunti.
The character name of Pankhuri Aswathy in Suryaputra Karn is Draupadi.
The character name of Jaswinder Gardner in Suryaputra Karn is Sudeshna.
There are 307 episodes in Suryaputra Karn.
Suryaputra Karn ended in the year 2013.
The real name of Prativindhya Suryaputra Karn is Kunwar Vikram Soni.
Suryaputra Karn Duryodhana real name is Yash Karia.
No. Suryaputra Karn is not a new TV show. It was released in the year 2013.
Other TV shows like Suryaputra Karn are Mahabharat, Siya Ke Ram, and Vishnu Puran.
There is no official Instagram ID of Suryaputra Karn.

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