Modi Ji Ki Beti
![clock black]()
Movie Star
TV Star
Prime Time
Frequently Asked Questions
Modi Ji Ki Beti is a very popular upcoming Hindi movie
Modi Ji Ki Beti Shoot location is Manali, India
The release date of the movie Modi Ji Ki Beti is 14 October 2022
Modi Ji Ki Beti casts include Avani Modi, Pitobash, Tarun Khanna, Vikram Kochhar, Pyarali Nayani, Rajveer Ahuja, Aditya Yadav
Eddy Singh directed Modi Ji Ki Beti
No. You can not watch Modi Ji Ki Beti online since its an upcoming movie
The character name of Avani Modi in Modi Ji Ki Beti is Avani Modi.
The character name of Pitobash in Modi Ji Ki Beti is Bilal
The character name of Tarun Khanna in Modi Ji Ki Beti is Omar.
The character name of Vikram Kochhar in Modi Ji Ki Beti is Tauseef
The character name of Rajveer Ahuja in Modi Ji Ki Beti is Shajjad Khan.
Modi Ji Ki Beti will release in the year 2022.
The real name of Modi Ji Ki Beti is Avani Modi
Modi Ji Ki Beti Tauseef real name is Vikram Kochhar
Yes. Modi Ji Ki Beti is a new movie. It will release in the year 2022
Other movies like Modi Ji Ki Beti are Phas Gaye Re Obama and Welcome To Sajjanpur
There is no official Instagram ID of Modi Ji Ki Beti.