Main Krishna Hoon
![clock black]()
Movie Star
TV Star
Prime Time
Frequently Asked Questions
Main Krishna Hoon is a very popular Hindi Movie.
The release date of the movie Main Krishna Hoon is 25 January 2013.
Main Krishna Hoon casts include Juhi Chawla, Paresh Ganatra, Namit Shah, Raj Premi, Rajan Verma, and Swati Aggarwal.
Main Krishna Hoon is directed by Rajiv S Raina.
Yes. You can watch Main Krishna Hoon online on Amazon Prime Video.
The character name of Juhi Chawla in Main Krishna Hoon is Kantaben.
The character name of Paresh Ganatra in Main Krishna Hoon is Nattubhai.
The character name of Namit Shah in Main Krishna Hoon is Krishna.
The character name of Raj Premi in Main Krishna Hoon is Angar Singh.
The character name of Rajan Verma in Main Krishna Hoon is Paddu Singh.
Main Krishna Hoon has a runtime of 2h 14m.
The real name of Krishna from Main Krishna Hoon is Namit Shah.
Main Krishna Hoon Nattubhai’s real name is Paresh Ganatra.
No. Main Krishna Hoon is not a new movie. It was released in the year 2013.
Other TV shows like Main Krishna Hoon are Zokkomon and My Friend Ganesha.
There is no official Instagram ID of Main Krishna Hoon.