Falsafa: The Other Side
![clock black]()
Movie Star
TV Star
Prime Time
Frequently Asked Questions
Falsafa: The Other Side is a very popular Hindi crime thriller movie.
The release date of the movie Falsafa: The Other Side is the 11th of January 2019.
Falsafa: The Other Side casts include Manit Joura, Geetanjali Singh, Ridhima Grover, Sumit Gulati, Amitabh Srivastava, Geeta Agrawal, etc.
The director of Falsafa: The Other Side is Himanshu Yadav.
Falsafa: The Other Side isn’t available online.
The character name of Manit Joura in Falsafa: The Other Side is Aman.
The character name of Geetanjali Singh in Falsafa: The Other Side is Isha.
The character name of Ridhima Grover in Falsafa: The Other Side is Sanjana.
The character name of Sumit Gulati in Falsafa: The Other Side is Rishabh.
The character name of Amitabh Srivastava in Falsafa: The Other Side is Aman’s father.
The runtime of the movie Falsafa: The Other Side is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
The real name of Aman Falsafa: The Other Side is Manit Joura.
Falsafa: The Other Side Isha real name is Geetanjali Singh.
No. Falsafa: The Other Side is not a new movie. It was released in the year 2019.
Other movies like Falsafa: The Other Side are Mismatched and Tadap.
There is no official Instagram ID of Falsafa: The Other Side.