Chalte Chalte
![clock black]()
Movie Star
TV Star
Prime Time
Frequently Asked Questions
Chalte Chalte is a very popular Indian drama movie.
Chalte Chalte Shoot location is India and Greece.
The release date of the movie Chalte Chalte is 13 June 2003.
Chalte Chalte casts include Shah Rukh Khan, Rani Mukerji, Satish Shah, Lilette Dubey, Johnny Lever, Jas Arora
You can watch Chalte Chalte on Ott platform netflix as it is no longer screened in theatres.
Yes. You can watch Chalte Chalte online on Netflix.
The character name of Shah Rukh Khan in Chalte Chalte is Raj Mathur.
The character name of Rani Mukerji in Chalte Chalte is Priya Chopra.
The character name of Jas Arora in Chalte Chalte is Sameer.
The character name of Jayashree Talpade in Chalte Chalte is Mrs. Manubhai
The character name of Satish Shah in Chalte Chalte is Manubhai.
The duration of Chalte Chalte is 2h 48m.
The real name of Mr. Chopra in Chalte Chalte is Rajeev Verma.
Chalte Chalte Sameer’s real name is Jas Arora.
No. Chalte Chalte is not a new movie. It was released in the year 2003.
Other movie like Chalte Chalte are Saathiya and Paheli.
There is no official Instagram ID of Chalte Chalte.