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Ganpati, lovingly referred to as Ganpati Bappa or Vighnaharta, is an esteemed deity in Hindu culture, especially in the state of Maharashtra. This lovable deity is known for his unique elephant-headed visage and his divine role as the remover of obstacles.
Often invoked before the beginning of any new venture or undertaking, Ganpati Bappa is the embodiment of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune. This is reflected in a common Marathi invocation 'Sukh Karta Dukh Harta', which translates to 'creator of joy and remover of sorrow'.
Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi or Ganeshotsav, celebrates the auspicious birth of the elephant-headed deity, Lord Ganesha. Across ten heartwarming days beginning in the month of Bhadrapada (around August–September), devotees come together to honor Ganesha, revered as the deity of prosperity, wisdom, and a remover of obstacles. This festive occasion is a perfect opportunity to extend warm wishes, send out cordial invitations, and gather with friends and family to honor the divine presence of Lord Ganesha in our lives.
Through all these festivities, Lord Ganesh symbolizes peace, prosperity, and a sense of unified celebration that transcends across cultures and communities.
॥ श्री गणेशायनमः ॥
नारद उवाच -
प्रणम्यं शिरसा देव गौरीपुत्रं विनायकम ।
भक्तावासं: स्मरैनित्यंमायु:कामार्थसिद्धये ॥1॥
प्रथमं वक्रतुंडंच एकदंतं द्वितीयकम ।
तृतीयं कृष्णं पिङा्क्षं गजवक्त्रं चतुर्थकम ॥2॥
लम्बोदरं पंचमं च षष्ठं विकटमेव च ।
सप्तमं विघ्नराजेन्द्रं धूम्रवर्ण तथाष्टकम् ॥3॥
नवमं भालचन्द्रं च दशमं तु विनायकम ।
एकादशं गणपतिं द्वादशं तु गजाननम ॥4॥
द्वादशैतानि नामानि त्रिसंध्य य: पठेन्नर: ।
न च विघ्नभयं तस्य सर्वासिद्धिकरं प्रभो ॥5॥
विद्यार्थी लभते विद्यां धनार्थी लभते धनम् ।
पुत्रार्थी लभते पुत्रान् मोक्षार्थी लभते गतिम् ॥6॥
जपेद्वगणपतिस्तोत्रं षड्भिर्मासै: फलं लभेत् ।
संवत्सरेण सिद्धिं च लभते नात्र संशय: ॥7॥
अष्टभ्यो ब्राह्मणेभ्यश्च लिखित्वां य: समर्पयेत ।
तस्य विद्या भवेत्सर्वा गणेशस्य प्रसादत: ॥8॥
॥ इति श्रीनारदपुराणे संकष्टनाशनं गणेशस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
॥ श्री गणेशाय नमः॥
नारद ने कहा -
मैं गौरी पुत्र भगवान विनायक को सिर झुकाकर प्रणाम करता हूं।
जीवन, कामनाओं और अर्थ की पूर्ति के लिए भक्त के परमधाम का प्रतिदिन स्मरण करें।
पहला है वक्रतुंड और दूसरा है एकदंत।
तीसरा गुलाबी आंखों वाला काला है और चौथा हाथी के चेहरे वाला है।
पाँचवाँ है लम्बोदर, छठा है विकटा।
सातवां बाधाओं का राजा है और आठवां धुएं का रंग है।
नौवें हैं भालचंद्र और दसवें हैं विनायक।
ग्यारहवें गणेश और बारहवें गजानन।
जो कोई तीन संध्याओं में इन बारह नामों का पाठ करता है
न ही उसके लिए बाधाओं का कोई डर है, हे भगवान, जो उसकी सभी विफलताओं का कारण बनता है।
विद्यार्थी को विद्या और धन चाहने वाले को धन की प्राप्ति होती है
जो पुत्र चाहता है उसे पुत्र प्राप्त होता है और जो मुक्ति चाहता है उसे परम लक्ष्य प्राप्त होता है।
जो व्यक्ति गणपति स्तोत्र का जाप करता है उसे छह महीने में फल प्राप्त होता है।
वह एक वर्ष में ही सिद्धि प्राप्त कर लेता है, इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है।
जो कोई इसे लिखकर आठ ब्राह्मणों को अर्पित करता है
भगवान गणेश की कृपा से उसे सारा ज्ञान प्राप्त हो जाएगा।”
॥ यह श्री नारद पुराण में सभी कष्टों का नाश करने वाला संपूर्ण गणेश स्तोत्र है।
ll Shri Ganeshay Namah ll
Narad Uvach -
Pranamyam Shirasa Deva Gauriputram Vinayakam |
Bhaktavaasam Smarainityam Mayuh Kaamartha Siddhaye ||1||
Prathamam Vakratundam Cha Ekadantam Dwitiyakam |
Tritiyam Krishnapingaksham Gajavaktram Chaturthakam ||2||
Lambodaram Panchamam Cha Shashtam Vikatameva Cha |
Saptamam Vighnaraajendram Dhumravarna Tathaashtakam ||3||
Navamam Bhaalachandram Cha Dashamam Tu Vinayakam |
Ekaadasham Ganapathim Dwaadasham Tu Gajaananam ||4||
Dvaadashaetani Naamaani Trisandhya Yah Pathe Nara |
Na Cha Vighnabhayam Tasya Sarvaasiddhikaram Prabho ||5||
Vidyaarthi Labhate Vidyaam Dhanaarthi Labhate Dhanam |
Putraarthi Labhate Putraan Mokshaarthi Labhate Gatim ||6||
Japedganapatistotram Shadbhir Maasais: Phalam Labhet |
Samvatsarena Siddhim Cha Labhate Naatra Samshayah ||7||
Ashtabhyo Brahmanebhyashcha Likhitvam Yah Samarpayet |
Tasya Vidya Bhavetsarva Ganeshasya Prasadatah ||8||
|| Iti Shri Narada Purane Sankashtanashanam Ganeshastotram Sampurnam ||
Narada said -
I bow my head to Lord Vinayaka, the son of Gauri.
Remember the abode of the devotee daily for the fulfillment of life, desires and artha.
The first is Vakratunda and the second is Ekadantha.
The third is black with pink eyes and the fourth is elephant-faced.
The fifth is Lambodara, the sixth is Vikata.
The seventh is the king of obstacles and the eighth is the color of smoke.
The ninth is Bhalcandra and the tenth is Vinayaka.
The eleventh Ganesha and the twelfth Gajanana.
Anyone who recites these twelve names at three evenings
Nor is there any fear of obstacles for him, O Lord, which brings about all his failures.
A student gets knowledge and a seeker of wealth gets wealth
He who seeks sons obtains sons and he who seeks liberation obtains the ultimate goal.
One who chants the Ganapati stotra will obtain the fruits in six months.
He attains perfection in one year there is no doubt about it.
Whoever writes this down and offers it to the eight brāhmaṇas
By the grace of Lord Ganesha he will attain all knowledge"
॥ This is the complete Ganesha stotra which destroys all troubles in the Śrī Nārada Purāṇa.
Ganesh Stotra, also recognized as Ganesha Sthavam, is a divine 'abhanga' (a devotional verse or hymn) offered to Lord Ganesha. Ganesha is deeply adored in the Marathi culture as Vighnaharta, the one who removes obstacles.
This sacred 'stotra' encapsulates the essence of Ganapati Bappa and praises his divine attributes. The 'stotra' signifies a significant part of our 'bhakti' (devotion), serving as a pathway to connect with Ganesha's divine energy.
To make the most of the recitation, it is best to perform the chanting of Ganesh Stotra early in the morning, ideally after a bath. It is also advised to chant the 'stotra' before a 'murti' (idol) or image of Ganesha. Understanding the meaning of the Ganesh Stotra before reciting it is beneficial, it enriches the entire experience of connecting with Bappa.
The Ganesh Stotra has different 'rachana' (versions), like the Shatru Samharaka Ekadanta Stotram, Santana Ganapati Stotram, and Sri Ganesha Hrudayam, to name a few. Each 'rachana' has its unique elements and is recited with 'bhave' (emotion) and with a devout intent to attain the blessings of Lord Ganesha.
A typical Ganesh Aarti ritual involves lighting a diya (lamp) and incense sticks to create a serene environment. The Aarti is sung collectively, accompanied by ringing bells and clapping hands. Devotees then make offerings, usually flowers, sweets, and fruits, to express their adoration. After the Aarti, a circumambulation (pradakshina) around the Ganesha idol is performed to mark the end of the ritual.
Imagine having a personalised stotra sung by our celebrities at your family event? Yes it is possible to make singers like, Shankar Mahadevan, Aarya Ambekar, Rekha Bhardwaj, Vaishali Samant, Sonu Kakkar, and Kishori Shahane to sing an stotra for your family’s well being.
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Tring helps you book a personalised video stotra for your loved ones on the special occasion of Ganesh Chaturti. With the message you customise for them.
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